Monday 11 November 2019

8 Top Features of the Best Email Management Software for Teams

There’s a simple rule of thumb for email: The more people involved, the more likely it is to go awry. If you don’t believe me, think about the last time someone tried to set up a big group dinner through your inbox. It just doesn’t work.
In customer support, team members manage meaningful conversations at scale. To do their jobs well, they need a clear path to help people every day — not a tangle of email chains that can hinder (rather than help) their progress.
The best email management software gives customers the personal touch that they’ve come to appreciate without requiring that internal support personnel manage the perpetual chaos of an inbox. The right tool magnifies the benefits for everyone while offsetting the frustrating aspects of a shared email support strategy.

8 must-have email management software features

The best enterprise email software can make everyone’s lives easier. Ideally, the internal and customer-facing experience is greater than the sum of each individual feature. Here are the key components that enable a dynamite workflow and a caring, consistent customer experience:

1. Saved replies

When people write in with queries or questions, they’re often dealing with parallel issues to those faced by other customers. There’s no reason for support professionals to type out the same reply 10 times a day. A saved replies capability creates a shared reservoir of templates that support pros can personalize in under a minute.
Well-organized, pre-written templates save time for team members and yield faster results for customers. They also create continuity with easy-to-apply language that keeps a team on the same page, especially if there’s a significant issue like an outage or a new product release.
There are endless possibilities for saved reply topics. OnePageCRM uses these templates:
  • Greeting
  • Thank customer
  • Brief explanation
  • Link to help article for more information
  • Let me know how it goes?
  • Sign off
Start with the basic information you share every day and build out more complicated responses as the need arises.

2. Real-time collision detection

One of the key failings of a distribution list or shared inbox is how easy it is to send multiple messages to the same customer. There are few customer experiences more frustrating than receiving three emails — all saying different things — from the same company.
Look for a help desk with real-time collision detection that is too clear to miss. Help Scout, for example, uses Traffic Cop to stop outgoing messages. The email management software includes clear indicators that another team member is viewing or replying to a conversation. You’ll see yellow (if a teammate is viewing the conversation) or red (if a teammate is replying to the conversation). Plus, you can hover to detect which team member is on it.

Test Blog

Take note with Customer Management

Keeping important notes on customers adds context to conversations, so you can make every person you help feel like your most important customer. With the new Customers section in your account, you can find, sort, and manage all your customers in one place. Jump into any customer’s Profile and enjoy a freshly redesigned view of all their details!
Per-Mailbox Chat Availability
Now you can set your chat availability on a per-Mailbox basis instead of being available across all Mailboxes and associated Beacons. It’s super handy for staffing different Mailboxes at different times or having specific people provide chat support for particular products or services.
You’ll find that the new Custom option in your Chat Availability menu gives your Users much finer-grained control over chat support across your account.

Messages keep getting better

We’ve made a ton of great improvements to the new Messages feature in the last few weeks, taking all the powerful email, live chat, and self-service elements of Beacon and adding the ability to proactively reach out to the right people at the right moment. If you aren’t already using Messages, this overview is an excellent starting point.

Here’s what’s new in Messages:

  • More flexible Message triggers: Use a single trigger to show a Message across a range of website addresses with wildcard URLs, now supported in the Specific URL and Last Page Viewed conditional trigger types.
    For example, if you’d like to show a Message to any visitor who views your pricing page after reading your product update blog posts, a single * wildcard character can match any blog page — for example,*. No need to add each individual post as a trigger!

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dolor lacus, faucibus nec pretium non, commodo id nisi. Praesent at odio ut purus lobortis posuere at posuere odio. Ut in pharetra erat, nec venenatis dui. Praesent et ipsum gravida, fermentum nulla eget, aliquam sapien. Suspendisse ullamcorper nisi a imperdiet elementum. Quisque pretium dapibus cursus. Suspendisse nec posuere urna. Curabitur libero quam, facilisis aliquet tempus at, venenatis eget sem. Integer quis risus tempus, interdum quam at, consectetur nunc. Suspendisse in dui bibendum, malesuada quam non, laoreet eros. Morbi lacinia justo a sem eleifend viverra. Nunc mattis dapibus urna, nec ullamcorper metus iaculis eget. Vivamus non nibh at ante maximus condimentum nec id erat. Fusce id suscipit lectus.
Nullam ac semper sem. Fusce ullamcorper hendrerit felis, semper accumsan sapien blandit id. Cras leo magna, sodales id eros eget, vulputate semper elit. Aenean eu egestas dolor. Pellentesque interdum dui id arcu mollis, id tincidunt enim scelerisque. Mauris elementum nisl viverra, hendrerit ex ut, vulputate tortor. Vivamus nec enim a lacus pulvinar finibus eget in odio.

Monday 4 July 2016

Fusce in commodo tellus

Fusce in commodo tellus. 
Pellentesque in tellus sed risus lobortis consectetur. Sed at ullamcorper ante. In at neque nec neque imperdiet dapibus in a purus. Quisque ac massa vitae enim facilisis dignissim. Maecenas convallis dapibus arcu, ac efficitur eros consectetur sed. Suspendisse vehicula ultrices erat, viverra aliquam ipsum sagittis non. In tortor est, gravida at rhoncus eget, feugiat at quam.
Sed hendrerit tellus a placerat interdum. Proin fringilla varius fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla maximus mauris et laoreet blandit. Vestibulum viverra nec ex eget varius. Nunc venenatis venenatis neque, quis lacinia urna congue a. In volutpat, nunc quis ultrices placerat, odio sem scelerisque urna, sit amet blandit mauris leo ac orci.

New Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam posuere enim vel nisl rutrum dignissim. Maecenas a sodales risus, a consectetur arcu. Donec ac ante vitae erat lacinia placerat. Phasellus et suscipit est. Cras eu elit turpis. Curabitur congue eros diam, ut ultricies urna congue id. Aenean malesuada ut enim at imperdiet. Sed sed arcu in sem imperdiet volutpat non elementum mauris. Praesent consectetur lobortis faucibus. Duis tristique orci enim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sit amet iaculis mi. Pellentesque in varius elit. Vestibulum sit amet quam tortor. Aliquam dictum luctus neque, a varius mauris pulvinar ut.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin consectetur facilisis neque ac egestas. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam massa massa, ultrices vitae auctor sed, ullamcorper ut arcu. Curabitur consequat vehicula odio nec fringilla. Proin scelerisque dignissim erat, efficitur condimentum odio convallis et. Aenean iaculis ante magna, eu molestie tellus ultrices sed. Quisque id lacinia tortor, ac tincidunt nisl. Sed eu sagittis diam, ac imperdiet ex. Fusce fermentum volutpat viverra. Proin mattis metus sit amet gravida aliquet. Aenean commodo lorem ac velit auctor, ac accumsan nunc fringilla.
In ut turpis sed tortor euismod tempus. Sed venenatis ante erat, sit amet condimentum ipsum vulputate id. Vivamus volutpat dapibus tortor, id suscipit elit finibus eget. Maecenas fermentum malesuada nisi a venenatis. Nulla eu quam mi. Quisque vulputate turpis eget feugiat ullamcorper. Mauris porttitor lectus quis purus vulputate tempus.